Content within your OpenText Content Suite repository can be a complicated thing to master. With documents, forms, tasks and workflows scattered all over the place, it doesn’t make for the simplest of working environments. In order to generate insights and make clear, informed business decisions you need a simple and contextual overview of your organization's structured and unstructured content.
OpenText WebReports is an excellent way for organizations with a significant amount of content-centric processes to bring order to their OpenText repository. Let’s take a look at how OpenText WebReports can help you take back control of your content.
Simply put, OpenText WebReports is an automated way to gain an overview of the content in your Content Suite platform. It aggregates all the information contained within your repository and presents it in user-friendly, role-based and process-based views. Through these customizable web-apps and dashboards, WebReports delivers actionable overviews of content that enhance your business operations and make end-users more efficient.
WebReports also allows for a fair amount of customization. Using a “tag and template” approach, it enables users to design and build sophisticated interfaces without requiring developers to be proficient with OScript.
As you can imagine, WebReports offers numerous benefits to its users.
If you have a lot of content, it’s hard to control, manage and monitor in an effective way. With WebReports, you can now use your content intelligently, and gain the maximum value from the information it contains.
Viewing content by role or activity further helps you manage your business processes and increases your company’s productivity. With employees being directly presented with the content and information that their role needs, they will have an easier time accomplishing business tasks and objectives.
Manual reporting and searching is a productivity drain at the best of times, and confusing at the worst. With WebReports, you can schedule the automatic generation of reports and gain specific insight into important matters quickly using customizable search queries.
With no training or experience with OScript, WebReports allows you to create and rapidly deploy custom business interfaces using just simple tags, templates and standard HTML.
WebReports gives you the ability to easily create custom dashboards and with report-driven content you can perform content analysis with charts, graphs, tables and tabbed views of commonly viewed sets of data..
Using WebReports Extensions for workflow, you can extend the capabilities of your Content Suite workflows. This allows you to reduce manual effort and eliminate common errors from you business processes.
While the advantages of WebReports are clear, it’s often not so obvious how to best implement it within your own system and get it tuned up for your specific business requirements. That’s why it’s important to use an experienced solutions consultancy like Ravenblack.
As one of its original developers, Ravenblack are experts in WebReports. We have over 15 years of experience with WebReports, now known as OpenText Content Intelligence, and more recent additions such as Smart Views. As the driving force behind WebReports, Ravenblack can help you get the most out of your Content Suite implementation. We help you understand the capabilities and limitations of the tool, capture user requirements, write technical specifications, develop WebReports code, and test, debug and optimize your final application.
To find out more, contact Ravenblack today and gain the experience only available through masters of WebReports.